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Star of David Bracelet

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Once upon a time, there lived a young man named Joshua. Joshua was not your average young man; he was incredibly creative and had a heart full of compassion. He also happens to be on the autism spectrum, which makes him see the world in a unique and special way.

One day, while Joshua was watching a news report about the struggles faced by the people in Israel, he felt a deep sense of empathy and a strong desire to help. He decided to create bracelets featuring the Star of David to raise money for the victims in Israel.

With his artistic skills and attention to detail, Joshua began designing and crafting the bracelets. Each one was carefully made with hematite beads and a small Star of David charm, symbolizing hope and unity.

With his mom’s postings on their website, word quickly spread about Joshua's initiative. People from all around the U.S. started purchasing his bracelets, not only to support the cause but also because they were captivated by the beauty and significance behind them.

Joshua's efforts began to make a real impact. All of the money he raises through selling the bracelets is sent to, providing aid and support to the victims in Israel.

The bracelets have become a powerful symbol of unity and compassion, reminding everyone that even a small act of kindness could create a ripple effect of change.

His story continues to spread and continues to touch the hearts of many people of all faiths. His bracelets not only raised funds but also raised awareness about the struggles faced by people in need and sends a message by wearing it that we all need to stand up to hate.

Joshua's story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary contributions come from the most unexpected places. It teaches us that by embracing our unique talents and finding ways to channel our compassion, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of others and inspire change in the world.

Special Thanks to the editor of this story who is like family Sherry Skolnik.

To purchase these bracelets during the 40% off sale these and gift cards are not applicable to receive the discount. Please go to and order your bracelets for Hanukkah gifts. If you order $99 or more, we will ship free of charge in a flat rate priority mail box. Thank you for your support, Am Yisrael Chai.

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